Sunday, September 30, 2007

Q.'s Quote of the Day: 09-30-07

Philadelphia, 23 February, 1756


I condole with you. We have lost a most dear and valuable relation. But it is the will of God and nature that these mortal bodies be laid aside when the soul is to enter into real life. This is rather an embryo state, a preparation for living. A man is not completely born until he is dead. Why, then, should we grieve that a new child is born among the immortals, a new member added to their happy society?

We are spirits. That bodies should be lent while they can afford us pleasure, assist us in acquiring knowledge, or in doing good to our fellow creatures, is a kind and benevolent act of God. When they become unfit for these purposes and afford us pain instead of pleasure, instead of an aid become an encumbrance, and answer none of the intentions for which they were given, it is equally kind and benevolent that a way is provided in which we may get rid of them. Death is that way. We ourselves, in some cases, prudently choose a partial death. A mangled, painful limb, which cannot be restored, we willingly cut off. He who parts with a tooth plucks it out freely, since the pain goes with it; and he who quits the whole body parts at once with all pains and possibilities of pains and diseases which it was liable to or capable of making him suffer.

Our friend and we were invited abroad on a party of pleasure which is to last forever. His chair was ready first and he is gone before us. We could not all conveniently start together and why should you and I be grieved at this, since we are soon to follow and know where to find him?

B. Franklin

This is a letter passed along to me by a friend on Street Prophets from a diary she posted two years ago. Read it here. The letter is profound in its meaning. We are indeed spiritual beings living out a physical life, but we are never to think we are just human, for we are much more than that. We are immortal beings of light, incapable of death. Our bodies are shed like a butterfly's chrysalis at physical death, yet our true selves live on, winged in beauty, to alight again when the immortal cycle calls us back to earth.

My brother's physical body died this morning, but I know he soars with stained-glass wings shining in the Light. I hope all those who feel the pain of his passing can remember the memory of being winged with rainbow pinions, for that remembrance is a great comfort.

Blessed be.


The Meaning of Death

This morning, in the wee hours, just after 3am I recieved a phone call from one of my neices. As you would expect, getting a call at 3am--when one isn't on Call--usually means someone close to you, either a friend or a relative, has died. This was no exception. My only brother passed on sometime between midnight and 3 in his sleep. As of now, all I know is that he passed in his sleep, not the cause of it.

When the phone rang, I thought it would be my step-mother telling me my nearly-90 year old Dad had died, but that's not who was there on the phone. I was shocked. My brother? He's only 59! What kind of joke is this? He wasn't sick--at least not deathly sick. Unfortunately, it's no joke. He's gone. Passed on. Kicked the bucket. Bought the farm...whatever.

I'm in shock now. I've cried some tears out of deep sadness...for Linda his wife...for his kids...for my Dad...for me. But not for HIM. He needs no tears. He is on the next Journey that we all face eventually, and in my beliefs, that is a joyous time, not a time of judgement and fear. I truely believe--scratch that, I know--he is in the company of my Mother and in the presence of God/dess.

So...what does this mean to me? What is this thing called death? Is it an end...or a beginning? Is it a transition that is part of a sacred cycle, or the end of existence? Why does it matter? All questions that have no answer except in faith of one kind or another. No one's come back to explain what happens when we 'go toward the light' and cut that cord tying us to our physical body. What really happens?

As a Pagan, I do not believe in a one-lap-around-the-track kind of life. I firmly believe--I dare say my heart--that we come back, reincarnate, many times. That death is only a transition, not an ending. I feel deeply that God/dess calls us into Her presence to gently critique our life, our deeds, helping us judge for ourselves if we passed that 'grade', those 'lessons' we chose to undertake. I feel deeply that there is only love and compassion--no punishment--at that 'debriefing' session. No lake of fire, only a place in Her presence to recouperate and plan things for the next life.

So...why should I mourn for my brother? There is no reason. I rejoice with him in his transition! The mourning is for me, for his widow, his children, for all those left on this plane of existence without him in it. We are the ones who suffer, not the one passing.

Bless those left in tears, may they find comfort.

Bless those who mourn, may they know peace.

God/dess grant that our passing is as peaceful as his has been.

So mote it be.
