Monday, October 15, 2007

Q.'s Quote of the Day: 10-15-07

"If people really understood the connection of environmental damage to their own lives, they would be much more motivated to preserve and protect the environment."
~~Dr. Eric Chivian, director of Harvard’s Center for Health and the Global Environment, in Veterinary World, Spring 1999.

Humanity has literally cut the ties it had with nature and that damage is coming back to haunt us. Treating the web of life as our personal property has created such destruction that our very survival may be at stake.

What can we do? Stop raping the earth for profit. Try to re-connect with the rest of the biosphere, walk lightly on the earth, respect and protect the other life forms on this little blue world, and remember we are part of nature, not apart from it. Nature is sacred; our relationship with this Gaia is sacred; her children are sacred. We are stewards, not dominators. The sooner we internalize that the better off we'll be.

With love and light,


Sunday, October 14, 2007

Blogathon: The Environment: Organic Gardening

In honor of the Blogathon about the Environment, I am going to speak about Organic Gardening, its pleasures, its usefulness, its benefits to the environment and to our health, both physical and spiritual.

I’m sure most of you have at least heard of ‘Organic’, as a farming/gardening method. What does that really mean? According to Organic Gardening Magazine...

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket The simple answer is that organic gardeners don't use synthetic fertilizers or pesticides on their plants. But gardening organically is much more than what you don't do. When you garden organically, you think of your plants as part of a whole system within Nature that starts in the soil and includes the water supply, people, wildlife and even insects. An organic gardener strives to work in harmony with natural systems and to minimize and continually replenish any resources the garden consumes. Organic gardening, then, begins with attention to the soil. You regularly add organic matter to the soil, using locally available resources wherever possible. And everyone has access to the raw ingredients of organic matter, because your lawn, garden, and kitchen produce them everyday. Decaying plant wastes, such as grass clippings, fall leaves and vegetable scraps from your kitchen, are the building blocks of compost, the ideal organic matter for your garden soil. If you add compost to your soil, you're already well on your way to raising a beautiful, healthy garden organically.

The other key to growing organically is to choose plants suited to the site. Plants adapted to your climate and conditions are better able to grow without a lot of attention or input; on the other hand, when you try to grow a plant that is not right for your site, you will probably have to boost its natural defenses to keep it healthy and productive.

Thus, organic growing is using natural means to bring about a harvest, rather than artificial—read ‘man-made’—means. In practice, this entails:

- Fertilize with manure, or ‘green manure’ crops like Rye or Buckwheat, or manure tea.
- Use beneficial insects to keep down pests by making sure their habitat is available.
- Compost food scraps, green matter, leaves, and coffee grounds for soil improvement.
- Hand-pick pests, if you can.
- Use biological tricks like companion planting to help plants grow pest-free.
- Pick plants that work in your climate and soil.
- Saving water, using rain water retained in cisterns, drip irrigation, and proper timing of watering to avoid adverse evaporation.
- Grow open-pollinated or heirloom seeds instead of hybrids, if you can, to give you a chance to save seeds for next year.

There are many ways to work with organic methods. You probably can think of more than what I have listed here.

So, you now have the information on what organic gardening is, but is it for you? What benefits will it give you? A few benefits are, deep satisfaction from growing your own food or knowing who grows it, knowing exactly how and where it was grown, enjoying the great taste of fresh produce that hasn't been shipped 1000 miles, eating food that is packed with nutrients and vitamins far beyond those grown commercially with chemicals, to mention a few. It will also give you back something most of us have lost—a connection to the food you eat.

One of my personal favorite ways to grow vegetables is with Square Foot Gardening. This method is great for intensive work, with the least amount of wasted space, and conservation of resources. Check it out, and see if it will help you in your own quest for an organic garden.

Of course, in all this there is a spiritual side. Growing things organically aligns you with nature’s creatures, with her cycles. There is nothing closer to God/dess than tilling the soil, nurturing plants, and harvesting food in the timeless rhythm of the seasons. It creates a peace within that is unmatched elsewhere. With one’s hands deep in sun-warmed soil, our connection to the earth is restored. Stress flows away and tranquility remains. And when the garden is planted, don’t forget to plant flowers, herbs and other plants to attract butterflies, bees, dragonflies and mantises. These and others are allies in the effort to create a harvest.

Now, get those hands dirty, think about next spring and resolve to grow your own luscious veggies. The seed catalogs come in January!

With love and light,


Q.'s Quote of the Day: 10-14-07

“But I venture the challenging statement that if American democracy ceases to move forward as a living force, seeking day and night by peaceful means to better the lot of our citizens, then Facism and Communism, aided, unconsciously perhaps, by oldline Tory Republicanism, will grow in strength in our land.”
~~Franklin D. Roosevelt, November 4, 1938

Make peace, not war. The Iraq war and the conflicts in Afghanistan, et al, are immoral. Those who perpetuate war to make money are the worst of the worst, placing greed above all, worshipping "Mammon". Many of those warhawks are nominally Christian. What does Jesus teach that promotes war above peace? I thought He was The Prince of Peace! Shame on those who war on others for profit, who sacrifice soldiers and civilians on their altar of needless death.

I honor those who fight over there, yet decry those who send them. It is unneccessary, a waste of humanity! I sorrow for the men, women, and children slaughtered in the name of Mammon. When will it stop? When will our elected Congress stop enabling the death-dealers, the warhawks who had no courage to fight when they were called in their youth! Shame, shame!

"Blessed are the peacemakers..."


A bit late, but...

...Congratulations to Al Gore in being one of the prestigious group honored by this year's Nobel Peace Prize. It lifts my heart that such a man as Mr. Gore was honored. Those that love peace, and work for it instead of war are in great need now...and in the future.

There are many who believe Al should throw his hat in the ring for the presidency again. I'm of two minds on this. Part of me yearns to see him in the Oval Office, cleaning out the sewage left by our current corrupt administration. On the other hand, he has a mission already: The Environment, and the global warming problems that, if not slowed down or stopped very soon, could easily mean the extinction of 2/3 of our human race...and major extinctions across the biosphere.

What a choice! The question is, can he do both? Could being president give him a platform where his effectiveness will increase, or is his present strategy the right way to get the most out of his time? I can't answer that question, and neither can all of those chanting "Run, Al, Run"!

All I know, is that I respect him--regardless of his choice. Whoever the next president is--hopefully a Democrat--should be sure to enlist his expertise in the Global Warming Fight, for he is uniquely qualified to help in that area.

So, Congratulations on your Award, Mr. Gore! I voted for you in 2000. If you run, I'll be there again, voting for the Best Man again. If not, I'll do what I can to ease my own carbon footprint.


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