My religion does not proselytize. Those who seek to know the Wiccan and/or Pagan religion(s) can only discover it in their hearts, and by finding those of us that practice it. You can learn about it in some books, but truth is not found in a physical book..only in the book of your soul, and in the wild, starry skies, in the truth of a leaf. You won't find us knocking on your door asking, "Do you know the Great Mother? She loves you, and wants you to give up the ridiculous Christian superstition..." That is soooo anathema that I cringe writing it.
So, when I got such a blatant proselytizing e-mail last week, I wrote back to the sender (a long-time friend of my older sister):
Dear (Friend of my older sister),
Not everyone is a Christian, my friend. Please do not send me any more proselytizing letters. I am not a Christian, and I'm not going to convert to being a 'born again' Christian any time in this lifetime.
How would you feel if people continually sent *YOU* stuff telling you that if you didn't believe and profess your faith for...let's say...Zeus, or Aphrodite--or both--that you were going to hell?
I believe in Deity. I am not atheist. I'm a Pagan, and I'm very happy with my spirituality, thank you!
BTW, believing in Jesus 'just in case' is hypocrisy and selfishness of the highest order. IF you believe in Anything, do it because you feel it's right--for YOU--not just because everyone does it! or says it's right! Think for yourself, my friend! The Gods gave us brains for a reason.
Thank you for reading this. Many blessings on your road through life.
She wrote back, kinda irate:
And hello to you to. No wonder you don't communicate regularly. You will be IMMEDIATELY removed from all corresponding ways. Ugh! I don't need your dissertations on anything. I polite remove me from ....what have been enough. And you're related to (Q.'s older sister)? I communicate with the rest of the (Q.'s) family and they aren't as unpleasant as you strive to be.
Needless to say, I was pissed. WTF? Here's what I wrote back:
WTF, (Friend of my older sister)?
Have I touched a nerve? If so, I'm sorry you feel as you do. I'm not one to pull punches on religion, but I do not say you should change YOUR beliefs. Gods, no! WHY should you not return the favor? I'm not your enemy.
As for 'not communicating', WTF? I'm not used to talking incessantly with ANYone online. Nothing exciting happens in my life. Why talk about boring every-day stuff? And just because (she) is my sister doesn't mean we see eye-to-eye on religion--or on anything else.
I'm not unpleasant--just not interested in proselytizing emails, is all. Is that considered anti-social to you? My God, girl, get a clue! Not everyone is a CHRISTIAN! GET IT? I love the emails about angels,love, and such, and I'd love to hear about your writing. Ever care to share some of that? I have two published books, myself.
I was nice, and polite to you. I even gave you heartfelt blessings! You are the only one in my life that has gotten so 'insulted' by my request to not be sent overtly Christian-convert type emails. Why does that bother you? That I dare to not follow the crowd and think for myself?
It's your decision to 'cast me out'. I didn't ask to be deleted from your email list, just from certain ones. Is that so hard to understand? Do as you will. Just know that you are being a less than great example of a Christian.
No matter what you decide, may God/dess bless you in your life.
Why is she so ticked off? She would be up in arms if the situation was reversed. Christians believe they are being persecuted. That's a funny joke! How can a dominant (like 85% of US citizens) religion like hers be persecuted? Pagans don't interrupt and destroy any Christian rites or holy places--but some Christians do. Pagans don't feel the need to covert everyone--but most Christians do.
All we ask is that we get a little respect--like we try to give others. My older sister's friend doesn't get it. Do you?
BTW, have a Happy Easter. Enjoy your Pagan icons.
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