Thursday, March 15, 2007

Do We Really Need to be 'Saved'?

I was reading an excellent diary on Street Prophets, First Diary: Question about salvation by ScepticTexan tonight. I refrained from commenting feeling my view was not part of what he asked for. From it, I began to wonder, as I've done many times in the past, whether there is a real need for salvation, for 'being saved'?

Saved from what?

I'm a witch, a Wiccan Priestess. I live and walk my beliefs every day. I don't practice evil, or even try it out! ;-) I conscientiously live in a loving manner, giving what I can, helping as much as possible, staying away from violence. I am as ethical as possible in my station in life. I revere nature and do my best to leave a light footprint. I worship God and Goddess in nature, and within myself as well as in others. I'm doing my best.

Then...why do I need saved? From what? In my beliefs God/dess is present in everything I touch and is immanent in my life. S/He does not wish me ill. Why should S/He? Why should God/dess punish me for living as a human, loving as a human, and making mistakes as a human? Mistakes (what some might call sins) are what happens in order to gain wisdom and experience. Without making mistakes, one cannot grow--mentally or spiritually.

And if being human is grounds for needing salvation, I believe that's dead wrong. We were not 'cast out'. We are not 'fallen'. We are not 'depraved'. Using the gifts we are given: intellect, sexuality, imagination, should not indicate we are defective. We are as God/dess made us, Their children, loved and nurtured, created to live, die and be reborn...until we learn all our spirits need to come Home to rejoin with Them forever. Is that salvation--in the classic sense? I don't know. Must think on it some more...

Damn. More questions to think about. Heh heh!

In Love and Light,


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