Friday, March 16, 2007

Health Care Debacle Diffused--for now

Those of you who know me from Street Prophets are somewhat aware of the precariousness of the health care situation here at Casa Fiend. Our Part D is not as easy as the guv'mint says it is, natch. So, we wrestle with insurance every month. The last two months were a terror, leaving us here very strapped, threatening our very ability to stay in our apartment. When meds (my sister's and mine) cost more than we make in a month (all three of us Fiends combined) it gets dicey real damned fast. Lucky for us here, the wonderful friends at Street Prophets are and have been making our survival a Project. Many have been seeing to our grocery needs--since we skipped that in February and had quite a famine going here. This month is better, by far. God/dess bless my dear friends on the Street! I really don't know what we would've done without them.

Point in case. At the beginning of March, I needed 7 medications. The combined cost of these seven--just mine, mind you, not my sister's--was $747.44. Who in the hell can budget for that out of a disability pension? They cost nearly as much as our rent!, the single largest bill I pay on the first. Needless to say, I couldn't get my meds, thus went without...without blood pressure meds (2), mood swing med (1), sleep aid (1), and the meds to deal with rampant 24/7 chronic pain in the 10/10 range.

After a few choice phone calls, some ranting, and cajoling, I finally got the insurance straightened out, and today I picked up the meds I had to neglect on the first--with $0 copay!!! YeeeHaw! Yippeee! WooooHooo! It's about damned time. The pharmacy still had to wrangle with them on the phone, but I got what I paid the premium for: no copay, no deductable.

My problem now is, will it 'stick' for the next trip over there next month??? All I can do is pray and know that God/dess does provide. S/He has gifted me with friends that care and a wolverine temperament--to never give up.

All you Prophets--thank you...a thousand times. I will never forget.

In Love, Light, and Peace,


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