Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Q.'s Quote of the Day: 03-20-07

“For you are powerful, not that you may make the weak weaker by oppression, but that you may make them powerful by raising them up and defending them. You are wise, not in order to laugh at the foolish and thereby make them more foolish, but that you may undertake to teach them as you yourself would wish to be taught. You are righteous that you may vindicate and pardon the unrighteous, not that you may only condemn, disparage, judge, and punish.”
~~ Martin Luther, sermon Two Kinds of Righteousness (1519), in Martin Luther's Basic Theological Writings, ed. Timothy F. Lull and William R. Russell, 2nd ed. (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2005), 138.

Got this gem from Mahanoy over at Street Prophets a while back (maybe last week, I can't recall exactly...heh heh), and it's a good one to think on.

In Love, Light, and Peace,


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