Friday, March 23, 2007

Thoughts on John Edwards and his Lady Wife...

I felt deep sadness when I heard that John Edwards' wife Elizabeth in now in stage IV cancer. My heart goes out to them, and my deepest respect. To continue on a gruelling campaign whilst dealing with one's beloved spouse battling cancer takes great fortitude and courage.

Of all those who make up the early field of Democratic candidates for the 2008 Presidential Election, John Edwards has been getting my attention a lot lately. He is gaining points on my chart by his honesty, his forward-thinking ideas, his concern--and plans--for the grinding poverty ignored by Republicans. There's much more, but I'll stop there. It's still early in the 'season', but Edwards is looking better every day.

Now...he has a heartbreaking personal event to deal with. It is one that has touched, and is touching, a greater portion of the population than almost any other event. Most of us have a parent, a friend, an associate, a child...someone...that has been touched by cancer. My mother died of it. My sister has had three bouts of it, yet still lives. Friends have battled it--some died, some triumphed--for a time. We can all understand what they are feeling. We can all understand the strength it takes for them to decide to continue on the campaign trail.

John Edwards, I salute you--and Elizabeth Edwards--you are in my prayers. May you both have the clarity and strength to do what you need to do. Blessings and compassion for you both. I now know what a Statesman and his Lady look like.

In Love, Light, and Peace,
May Healing suffuse you both,
In the Name of the Mother of All Living,
Strength and Courage in full measure.



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