Friday, March 23, 2007

Q.'s Quote of the Day: 03-23-07

“But I venture the challenging statement that if American democracy ceases to move forward as a living force, seeking day and night by peaceful means to better the lot of our citizens, then Fascism and Communism, aided, unconsciously perhaps, by old-line Tory Republicanism, will grow in strength in our land.”
~~Franklin D. Roosevelt, November 4, 1938

What he has warned us of is there. See the effects of Bushco and company on our country. Nascent Fascism and a corporate oligarchy that sees nothing wrong with wiping away any chance of survival of those in the so-called lower classes by dismantling the safety net, and disenfranchising the least of these. The gap between the haves and have nots is widening every day.

We must fight these powers! Or...we will be returned to a life of slavery in everything but name. I hope those who unwittingly stand with these corrupt power mongers see the error of their views soon. We can't endure another span of years like the last six.

Pray for our democracy, our constitution, our people. We are all we've got. You might not agree, but where are you on the spectrum? Near the bottom? If you are, get a clue. They are using you.

This is where I stand, with fangs bared.


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