Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Welcome to whoever reads this

Needless to say, yet important: WELCOME, friends. I am Quotefiend, a resident of many places, foremost of which is Street Prophets. I am a progressive, a liberal democrat, and a Wiccan. I make no excuses for my beliefs and political leanings. All were gained through painful life experiences. They are valid for me.

They might also be right for you, if you think about it. Feel free to comment, kvetch, give me your views and we can talk. I humbly ask that there be no proselytizing here. I’m soooo not going to convert to Christianity—or Islam. Get over it. You are welcome to worship as you please...just don’t screw with my right to do the same in my own way.

I do bite.



Anonymous said...

Well this really "bites"...

Now I've got another damn blog to read... like I needed this!

Aw... and preview shows my name entirely in lower case letters. What were all those years of schooling for anyway?


Anonymous said...

Marko, behave. You should remember how you got to be a werelynx in the first place.

Anonymous said...

Hee hee...

Behave? Who me?

I wouldn't dream of it...

That's why I got bit.

Q will take a snap at my sniffer if I get too far out of line.

Besides A Nonny Mouse, I wouldn't be here if I didn't treasure the scars... and enjoy Q's writing.